Pins And Needles Day

Every November 27th is observed as Pins and Needles Day. This day celebrates the musical play that first opened in 1937. This pro-labor play was based on the lives of workers and was a parody of the relevant social issues of the time.

This show would go on to be played over a thousand times and was even presented at the White House to the delight of U.S President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt.

Ordinarily, a play during this period would have been lost to the annals of history. Still, its amusing premise and its relevance to the issues of the day have kept its memory alive, most notably through this holiday.

The History Of Pins And Needles Day

Pins and Needles was a musical revue that was written by Harold Rome and ran on Broadway from 1937 to 1940. The title was created by Max Danish, the editor of the newspaper Justice, a newspaper of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU). This play looked at the events of the day through the lens of the pro-labor point of view.

Its original cast was made up of ILGWU workers such as sewing machine operators, cutters, and basters. It’s the only hit play ever by a labor union, and the only time a group of non-professionals would launch a successful musical on Broadway. This musical would be revived in 1978 and again in 2010.

Unfortunately, while the history of this musical is well known, the history of Pins and Needles Day is less well known. At this time, we’re unsure of who invented it, where it originated, or even when it originated. We do know that it takes place on the opening date of the launching of this musical in 1937, but that is all that we know about this holiday.

Observing Pins And Needles Day

Even though there is no way to watch the original Pins and Needles, the soundtrack of this musical can be enjoyed. There is even a video on YouTube where a person can watch the 1978 version of this musical.

People can also use this holiday to learn more about the history of Pins and Needles and its relation to the labor movement of the 1930s and 1940s. And of course, fans of this musical can spread the word about this holiday using the hashtag #PinsAndNeedlesDay on social media. Let’s all celebrate this musical, one that shaped history even as it reflected it.

When is it?
This year (2024)
November 27 Wednesday
Next year (2025)
November 27 Thursday
Last year (2023)
November 27 Monday
Art & Entertainment