Political Flag Day

Political Flag Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on July 10th in Mongolia. Also known as Mongolian State Flag Day, this day is a public holiday that is observed with a ceremonial flag-raising on Sükhbaatar Square in Ulaanbaatar’s capital. There is also a military parade observed on this holiday.

On this holiday, there is also an awards ceremony that gives out awards to individuals. These awards include the Order of Genghis Khan, People’s Artists, Order of the Precious Wand, and Hero of Labor. People also begin to prepare for the Naadam Festival, a commemorative festival that occurs the following day.

The History Of Political Flag Day In Mongolia

In 2008, Political Flag Day was established. This day was chosen because this is when Marshal Khorloogiin Choibalsan ordered the flag of Mongolia to be revised on July 10th, 1945. This holiday doesn’t just celebrate the national Flag of Mongolia, however. It also commemorates the anniversaries of the Mongol Empire, Mongolian Statehood, the 1921 People’s Revolution, and the 1990 Democratic Revolution.

Observing Political Flag Day In Mongolia

The main event of this holiday is the military parade of the Mongolian Armed Forces that begin at Sükhbaatar Square. The first time that this parade was held was in 2009, and it’s been held every year since then. During the parade, the Mongolian President presides over the parade in his or her official capacity of the Commander in Chief of the Mongolian Armed Forces. There is also a military band that takes is used in the Trooping of the Colors for this holiday.

As we mentioned earlier, this holiday also features an award ceremony that gives out seven different awards to deserving individuals. These awards include the Order of Sukhbaatar, State Prize Laureate, People’s Artists, as well as the awards that we mentioned earlier.

Where is it celebrated?
Mongolia (Observance)
When is it?
This year (2024)
July 10 Wednesday
Next year (2025)
July 10 Thursday
Last year (2023)
July 10 Monday