President’s Day in Marshall Islands

Celebrated as a public holiday in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, November 17th is a day that’s observed as President’s Day. It’s a holiday that commemorates the birthday of the country’s first president, President Amata Kabua who was born on November 17th, 1928. He was a politician that was central to independence negotiations and he was served as the country’s president for 5 consecutive terms.

He would end up dying on December 19th, 1996 but this holiday continues in his memory. Because this day is a public holiday in the Marshall Islands, it’s a day off for the general public, and many government offices, schools, and businesses are closed.

The History Of President’s Day In The Marshall Islands

In 1979, the establishment of the office of the president was created in the Marshall Islands. The President is then elected by the legislature from among its members. The President then picks the cabinet members.

The first person to hold the office of President in the Marshall Islands was Amata Kabua. He took office on November 17th, 1979, and left office on December 20th, 1996. President’s Day was established in his honor and has been observed in the country ever since.

Observing President’s Day In The Marshall Islands

This holiday is observed as a public holiday in the Marshall Islands and this gives everyone an opportunity to celebrate it if they wish. Aside from official ceremonies that include special ceremonies and the raising of the national flag, many people use the holiday to spend time with friends and family members.

Since government offices, schools and businesses are closed, it’s a good day for many residents to enjoy some fine Marshallese cuisine with their loved ones. Some of the dishes that are enjoyed on this holiday include a rice and coconut dish known as Chukuchuk, coconut crabs, and breadfruit.

Where is it celebrated?
Marshall Islands (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
November 17 Sunday
Next year (2025)
November 17 Monday
Last year (2023)
November 17 Friday