Sea Day

Sea Day is a public holiday that’s observed on the third Monday in July each year in Japan. Also known as Marine Day, this holiday is a day that shows the country’s appreciation for the seas and oceans that it relies on so heavily. Approximately half of the world’s catch of fish is undertaken by the Japanese, so it’s not only important to the country’s economy but it’s also important to their cuisine.

The oceans also allow the country to trade with other countries as well. It’s no wonder a holiday was created to appreciate and give thanks to one of the most important national resources to Japanese society.

The History Of Sea Day In Japan

This holiday was originally established in 1941 to commemorate the anniversary of the return of the Meiji Emperor to the Port of Yokohama in 1876. It was also a day that expressed the nation’s gratitude to the ocean for everything that she provides. And the final reason why this holiday was created, was to pray for the future prosperity of the country as a maritime country.

This holiday was originally placed on the 20th of July, but that was changed when the Happy Monday System was put into effect between 1998 and 2001. This system moved several public holidays to Mondays to create three-day weekends for those who work a 5-day workweek.

Observing Sea Day In Japan

This is a holiday in which people get the day off and many businesses and government buildings are closed. It’s also a day when national aquariums throw special events for the public. These events can be competitions, exhibitions, or even water shows.

This day is also the unofficial start of the summer season for many students. And, of course, it’s the perfect day for people to head towards the ocean and enjoy it for its beauty and importance.

Where is it celebrated?
Japan (National holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
July 15 Monday
Next year (2025)
July 21 Monday
Last year (2023)
July 17 Monday