Sun Yat-sen’s Birthday

In Taiwan, the 12th of November is celebrated as a non-official holiday that commemorates the birthday of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in 1866. Sun Yat-sen was the leader of the Chinese Nationalist Party and the first President of the Republic of China.

Because it’s a non-official holiday, most institutions operate on their normal schedule and there aren’t a lot of events that commemorate the day. Most people revere the memory of this leader privately in their own home or they attend political speeches that are set up in the observance of this holiday.

The History Of Sun Yat-sen’s Birthday In Taiwan

On November 12th, 1866, Sun Yat-sen was born to Sun Dacheng and Madame Yang in Cuiheng, Guangdong. At the age of 13, he would go to live in Honolulu, Hawaii with an older brother. It’s there that he studied English and became influenced by Hawaiian and American culture. In 1883, he returned to China and was troubled by what was going on in the country. This is when he decided to devote his life to changing China for the better.

In 1894, Sun Yat-sen headed back to Hawaii and founded the Revive China Society. The following year, a failed coup forced him into exile and this is when he began collecting money for his revolutionary movement. In 1911, a military uprising in Wuchang led to the end of imperial rule in China and Sun Yat-sen returned from the U.S. On December 29th, 1911, he would become elected as Provisional President of the Republic of China. He is now known as the father of Taiwan.

Observing Sun Yat-sen’s Birthday In Taiwan

This holiday is observed with political speeches and private ceremonies. Although it’s not observed as a public event on a large scale, it is observed by many people in the privacy of their own homes. Because it’s not a public holiday, most businesses operate on their normal schedules on this day.

Where is it celebrated?
Taiwan (Observance)
When is it?
This year (2024)
November 12 Tuesday
Next year (2025)
November 12 Wednesday
Last year (2023)
November 12 Sunday