Telecommuter Appreciation Week

Telecommuter Appreciation Week is observed during the week of Alexander Graham Bell’s birthday and encourages people to work from home but to stay connected with their office using the telephone. This practice is known as telecommuting, which is just a fancy way of saying that a homeworker stays in contact with their office through phone, email, or other electronic means.

According to the latest research, telecommuting offers a number of benefits both to the employee and the employee, which we’ll cover below. In our minds, that means that more people should take the time to observe this week and telecommute from the comfort of their home offices.

The History Of Telecommuter Appreciation Week

This week was first created by the American Telecommuting Association in Washington, DC in 1993. This organization was created this week to help raise the public profile of telecommuting in the public eye. And evidently, this tactic has worked as the U.S is now the world’s leader in the number of people commuting from home.

Facts About Telecommuting

Now, we’re going to pour over some facts about telecommuting that we think everyone will appreciate. We’ve listed these facts below for everyone to enjoy while they’re working from their home office.

  • Telecommuters report lower stress levels than office workers.
  • Eight out of ten telecommuters have reported high morale.
  • Full-time telecommuters save over $4,200 per year.
  • Employers who offered at least part-time telecommuting saved over $44 billion a year.
  • Over half of all telecommuting employees are female.
  • Employees are more likely to be loyal to their employer if they’re offered flexible work options.
  • Employers have 50% less turnover when they give the employees the option to work from home.
  • Over half of telecommuters have at least a bachelor’s degree.

Observing Telecommuter Appreciation Week

The perfect way for someone to celebrate this week is by taking the opportunity to telecommute from home. The second best way is to join the American Telecommuting Association. The U.S government also published an online guide that people can use to learn more about telecommuting. On social media, people can also use the hashtag #TelecommuterAppreciationWeek to spread the word about it online.

When is it?
This year (2024)
February 26 Monday
Next year (2025)
March 3 Monday
Last year (2023)
February 27 Monday
Work & Occupation