World Arthritis Day

World Arthritis Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on the 12th of October every year. This is a day that’s designed to raise awareness about the problem of arthritis and the things that people can do to manage and treat this condition.

According to the Global RA Network, over 350 million people have arthritis around the world, and in the U.S., approximately 25% of adults have it. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and results in over $300 billion in healthcare costs and lost earnings per year. That’s why this holiday is so important and why people all over the world should take the time to observe it in October.

The History Of World Arthritis Day

This holiday was originally created by Arthritis & Rheumatism International in October of 1996. They created this holiday to raise the public’s awareness about arthritis and its effects on people’s health and ability to live their lives.

It’s currently observed by the European League Against Rheumatism and the Arthritis National Research Foundation. It’s also sponsored by the National Organization of Rheumatology Managers, the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance, and the Arthritis Foundation.

Important Facts About Arthritis

We’ve collected some important facts about arthritis that we feel everyone should check out. We feel that the following facts about arthritis will provide everyone reading this article with an elementary understanding of this disease.

  • There are over 100 different types of arthritis.
  • The most common form of arthritis is Osteoarthritis.
  • Arthritis is the leading cause of disability among adults in the United States.
  • Arthritis is common in people who have other chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
  • Treatments for arthritis include physical therapy, patient education, surgery, and medication.

Observing World Arthritis Day

People can observe this day by learning more about arthritis, getting checked by a doctor to see if they’re suffering from this condition, and donating money to arthritis organizations.

This is also a day that’s observed by health organizations that hold special events and seminars centered around arthritis. People can also use the hashtag #WorldArthritisDay to spread the word about this holiday.

When is it?
This year (2024)
October 12 Saturday
Next year (2025)
October 12 Sunday
Last year (2023)
October 12 Thursday
Health & Body