World Day Against Trafficking In Persons

Observed July 30th every year, World Day Against Trafficking In Persons is a day that’s designed to help end the trafficking of human beings. People all over the world work together on this day to identify and support victims of trafficking, as well as seek justice for these victims by fighting back against traffickers.

On this day, people display a blue heart, a symbol that represents the despair of those who have or are being trafficked, while reminding all of us of how cold-hearted the people who traffic in human beings are. This is a holiday that’s been celebrated since 2014 and continues every year to bring attention to the problem of trafficking in persons.

The History Of World Day Against Trafficking In Persons

This day was created by Resolution 68/192 which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18, 2013. The purpose of it was to strongly condemn those trafficking in persons, especially women and children, and reiterate the fact that despite efforts made on the international, national, and regional levels, human trafficking still exists. This resolution also reminded all States that they have an obligation to prevent human trafficking and to punish those who engage in such acts.

Facts About Human Trafficking

To put a fine point on the problem of human trafficking and the millions of people affected by it, we decided to list some statistics that we feel everyone should know about. The following statistics highlight the problem of human trafficking and why we all should be taking the time out of our busy lives to do something about it.

The Scope Of The Problem Is Huge

One of the things that most people don’t realize is just how many people are in modern slavery right now. It’s been estimated that approximately 40 million people are being trafficked at this moment, although it should be said that no one knows just how many people are actually being trafficked because so many cases go undetected.

Human Trafficking Is A Multi-Billion Dollar Business

It’s also been estimated that trafficking nets approximately $150 billion a year for traffickers. $100 billion of that money comes from the commercial sexual exploitation of women and girls.

Seventy-One Percent Of Trafficked People Are Women And Girls

Of all of the human trafficking cases in the world, only 29% of them are men. The other 71% are women and girls.

Over Half Of The Cases Involve Children

Although both adult men and women can be trafficked, estimates indicate that the majority of cases involve children. In 2018, over 51% of the criminal human trafficking cases in the United States were sex trafficking cases involving children.

The Average Teen Enters The Sex Trade Under The Age Of 15

Another study that was done recently shows that the average age a teen enters the sex trade in the United States is between the ages of 12 and 14. Many of these girls are runaways who were sexually abused as young children and are further exploited when they run away from home.

Most Human Trafficking Cases Go Unnoticed

The sad fact of the matter, and the reason why we need observance like this day to bring attention to the issue of human trafficking, is that most cases go unnoticed. It’s been estimated that only about 0.04% of survivors of human trafficking cases are even identified. The vast majority of the cases go unnoticed.

Over 50,000 People Are Trafficked Into The U.S Each Year

Another sad fact is that about 50,000 people are trafficked into the United States every year. Most of the people trafficked are young girls from Mexico and the Philippines.

Observing World Day Against Trafficking In Persons

For those people who want to get engaged in the fight against human trafficking, there are a number of ways to do so. First of all, people can spread the word about this day using the hashtag #HumanTrafficking or #EndHumanTrafficking on all social media accounts. The second thing that a person can do is to showcase and honor the efforts of first responders where you live.

Another way that this day can be observed is by donating time or money to organizations that stand against human trafficking. One such organization is the UN Voluntary Trust Fund For Victims of Human Trafficking. This organization provides on-the-ground assistance as well as protection for people who are victims of human trafficking.

People can also observe this day by taking part in the Blue Heart Campaign. The symbol of the blue heart is meant to raise awareness about human trafficking, and it allows people to show their solidarity with victims of human trafficking.

The last thing that people can do to observe World Day Against Trafficking In Persons is by educating themselves about the plight of human trafficking and what they can do to prevent it. If everyone comes together, we can make a difference and end human trafficking in our lifetime.

When is it?
This year (2024)
July 30 Tuesday
Next year (2025)
July 30 Wednesday
Last year (2023)
July 30 Sunday
Awareness & Cause, United Nations