World Theatre Day

There are few forms of entertainment that can rival the excitement of the theatre. The costumes, the pageantry, and the performers all help to make plays and other forms of theatrical arts some of the most memorable events imaginable.

Nowhere else, aside from perhaps a movie theater, can the audience feel like they’re part of the show. And that’s why a holiday has been created to celebrate this art form, one that’s been around for thousands of years.

This holiday is known as World Theatre Day, and it’s observed annually on March 27th. It’s a day during which everyone can embrace the magic of the theatre and spread their love for it far and wide.

The History of World Theatre Day

This holiday was created by the International Theatre Institute (ITI) in 1962. Since its inception, it has organized a variety of events over the years, involving cooperating members, theatre professionals, theatre organizations, and people all over the world who love theatre.

It’s also a day that advocates for the theatre and reminds politicians and governments that the theatre is an important form of entertainment and provides the community with positive economic impacts.

Some Fun Facts About the Theatre

Okay, we didn’t want to do a holiday about the theatre without taking the time to actually talk about the theatre. Although we understand that many people might think they know everything there is to know about the theatre, we’re willing to bet that probably isn’t the case. That’s why we’ve listed some facts that we don’t think many people will be familiar with and will find quite informative.

  • The Dominion Theatre stands on the site of the 1814 Beer Flood. This flood of beer ended up killing eight people.
  • Before becoming Pope, John Paul II wrote a play called ‘The Jeweller’s Shop.’ It was performed at Westminster Theatre in 1982.
  • At the Palace Theatre, two seats are permanently bolted open for theatre ghosts to sit in and watch the show.
  • Walt Disney World in Florida has over 1 million theatrical costumes.
  • Broadway theatres have at least 500 seats, while Off-Broadway theatres have 100-499 seats.

Observing World Theatre Day

During this holiday, people can advocate on behalf of the theatre, or they can attend a theatre event near them. We also encourage people who are planning on observing this holiday to use the hashtag #WorldTheatreDay on social media to spread the word about it online. This is the perfect day of the year to celebrate this art form and to show your love for it to everyone you know.

When is it?
This year (2024)
March 27 Wednesday
Next year (2025)
March 27 Thursday
Last year (2023)
March 27 Monday
Art & Entertainment